๐ŸšชToken Gating

Learn how to enable users to access certain features only if they have a Farcaster account or a combination of Farcaster + other criteria such as a specific POAP or NFT.

๐Ÿšช Token Gating

Airstack provides easy-to-use APIs for enriching Farcaster applications and for integrating onchain and offchain data with Farcaster.

Table Of Contents

In this guide you will learn how to use Airstack to:


  • An Airstack account

  • Basic knowledge of GraphQL

Get Started


If you are using JavaScript/TypeScript or Python, Install the Airstack SDK:


npm install @airstack/airstack-react


npm install @airstack/node

Then, add the following snippets to your code:

import { init, useQuery } from "@airstack/airstack-react";


const query = `YOUR_QUERY`; // Replace with GraphQL Query

const Component = () => {
  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(query);

  if (data) {
    return <p>Data: {JSON.stringify(data)}</p>;

  if (loading) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  if (error) {
    return <p>Error: {error.message}</p>;

Other Programming Languages

To access the Airstack APIs in other languages, you can use https://api.airstack.xyz/gql as your GraphQL endpoint.

Gating only user(s) that have Farcaster

You can implement token gating by checking whether users have Farcaster:

Try Demo


query GetTokenGatingFarcasters {
    input: {
      filter: {
        identity: {
          _in: [
        dappName: { _eq: farcaster }
      blockchain: ethereum
  ) {
    Social {

If the length of the data.Socials.Social array is 0, then it implies that the user has no Farcaster.

Otherwise, the user does and can be given access to the desired feature.

Gating only user(s) that have Farcaster and NFT

You can implement token gating by checking whether users have both Farcaster and the given NFT:

Try Demo


query MyQuery {
    input: {
      filter: {
        tokenAddress: {
          _in: [
      blockchain: ethereum
      limit: 200
  ) {
    TokenBalance {
      owner {
        socials(input: { filter: { dappName: { _eq: farcaster } } }) {

If the length of the data.TokenBalances.TokenBalance array is 0, then it implies that the user has no given NFT held.

Otherwise, the user have at least one of the given NFT and then can have the owner.socials to be checked further to confirm if the user has any Farcaster.

If owner.socials has length 0, then similarly the user has no Farcaster.

Otherwise, the user has Farcaster and can be given access to a the desired feature.

Gating only user(s) that have Farcaster and POAP

You can implement token gating by checking whether users have both Farcaster and the given POAP:

Try Demo


query MyQuery {
    input: {
      filter: {
        eventId: { _in: ["127462", "141910"] }
        owner: { _eq: "0x4455951fa43b17bd211e0e8ae64d22fb47946ade" }
      blockchain: ALL
  ) {
    Poap {
      owner {
        socials(input: { filter: { dappName: { _eq: farcaster } } }) {

If the length of the data.Poaps.Poap array is 0, then it implies that the user has no given POAP held.

Otherwise, the user have at least one of the given POAP and then can have the owner.socials to be checked further to confirm if the user has any Farcaster.

If owner.socials has length 0, then similarly the user has no Farcaster.

Otherwise, the user has Farcaster and can be given access to a the desired feature.

Developer Support

If you have any questions or need help regarding token gating, please join our Airstack's Telegram group.

More Resources

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