
Learn how to deploy your subgraph using Airstack Managed Graph Node to the DEGEN L3 chain.

Airstack enables Degenchain developers to deploy subgraphs to Airstack's Managed Graph Node.

  • This is currently offered for free during an initial learning period

  • An Airstack API key is required but usage of your Degenchain subgraph will not be rated towards Airstack API credits

  • Following the learning period there may be some charges to cover our costs of providing this service and for especially high volume usage.


git clone https://github.com/Airstack-xyz/Subgraphs.git && \
 cd Subgraphs/user-contract-interactions/

Step 1: Create Subgraph

First, create the subgraph that you want to deploy in the Airstack Graph Node indexer by providing your Airstack API key and the name for your subgraph:

graph create \
  --node https://subgraph.airstack.xyz/indexer/ \

Step 2: Deploy Subgraph

Once the subgraph is successfully created, deploy the subgraph by using the following command:

graph deploy \
  --node https://subgraph.airstack.xyz/indexer/ \
  --access-token <AIRSTACK_API_KEY> \
  --ipfs https://ipfs.airstack.xyz/ipfs/api/v0 \
  --headers '{"Authorization": "<AIRSTACK_API_KEY>"}' <SUBGRAPH_NAME>

Once you subgraph is deployed, you can check on the Subgraph Dashboard to confirm if the deployment is successful.

Step 3: Query The Deployed Subgraph

And when it is successfully deployed you can try to query data from the GraphQL API from the deployed subgraph:

If you are using Airstack subgraph repository, you can test the GraphQL API by setting the query field to: --data '{"query":"{\n _meta {\n block {\n number\n }\n }\n}"}'

curl --location 'https://subgraph.airstack.xyz/query/subgraphs/name/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>' \
  --header 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' \
  --header 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  --header 'accept: application/json, multipart/mixed' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <AIRSTACK_API_KEY>' \
  --data '{"query":"STRINGIFIED_GRAPHQL_QUERIES"}'

Alternatively, you can also test your subgraph by making GraphQL queries from platforms such as Postman by using the following API information:

Developer Support

If you have any questions or need help regarding deploying your subgraph to the Airstack Graph Node, please join our Airstack's Telegram group.

More Resources

Last updated