Airstack Identity API

Airstack Identity API has been integrated throughout all of the GraphQL queries!

You can filter your queries using the identity inputs by passing the following values instead of an EVM 0x address:

Solana Address

You can enter the Solana addresses of a user directly in the owner, address, or identity field:

Sample InputDescription


Valid base58 Solana addresses

ENS Domains

You can enter the ENS domains, both on-chain or off-chain (e.g. or Namestone), directly in the owner, address, or identity field:

Sample InputDescription


Plain ENS domain ending in .eth


ENS domain with optional ens: prefix


Off-chain ENS domain from Namestone

Coinbase ID that is resolved off-chain

Farcaster ID and Name

You can enter Farcaster ID or name directly in the owner, address, or identity field:

Sample InputDescription


Farcaster user ID with required fc_fid prefix


Farcaster user name (not ENS) with required fc_fname prefix


Farcaster user name (ENS domain) with required fc_fname prefix

Alternatively, you can enter the Farcaster profile name directly in the Socials profileName field.

You can enter all fnames that Farcaster user has, including the one that is not actively used as a profile name. For example, a Farcaster user have multiple fnames: fc_fname:varunsrin.eth and fc_fname:v, then you should be able to use both as an input of any identity field.

Last updated

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