โš’๏ธSetup Channel Moderation

Learn how you can use Airstack to setup channel moderation quickly for FREE based on various onchain criteria on your Farcaster channel.

First, go to airstack.xyz:

and search your Farcaster user name in the user search bar:

Once you selected your Farcaster user name, you will be redirected to your Farcaster user page.

Here you should click on the Channel Owner tab:

In the Channel Owner tab, it will show you all the Farcaster channels that you own.

To start moderating, simply click on the Moderate button:

select all the moderation rules/criteria to moderate your channel:

The list of all available moderation rules/criteria is shown here.

configure in the Always Include box whether to:

  1. include any casts by owner (this is on by default)

  2. include any casts liked by the owner (this is on by default)

  3. include any casts liked by co-moderators

  4. include any casts by other whitelisted users

configure in the Always Exclude box which users will be blacklisted:

Once everything is configured to your needs, then you can simply click on the Save button.

Once you have the moderation setup, you will then need to assign the @notabot to be the moderator of your channel.

To do so, go to your Warpcast channel URL and click on Edit Channel button:

This will open a modal where you should click on Configure moderation:

and then choose @notabot to be the moderator of your Farcaster channel:

Now that you have @notabot set as the moderator of your Farcaster channel, simply go back to the Channel Owner dashboard to validate the @notabot assignment as channel moderator by clicking on the Validate button:

When the validation is successful, the Airstack Farcaster Channel Mods will start auto-sweep on the latest 1500 casts and like the casts that fulfill the configured moderation criteria:

Auto-sweep will only happen ONCE during setup. To manually re-sweep, click this guide here.

The casts liked by the bot will be the one appearing in the Main section of the Farcaster channel.

Once the moderation is completed, a green checklist will appear as shown below:

and you're all done!

๐Ÿฅณ Congratulations, you've just add moderation to your Farcaster channel using Airstack Channel Mods!

After the setup, you and your co-moderators will also have access to the Not A Bot cast action to moderate your channel manually from Warpcast. For more information, click here.

Developer Support

If you have any questions or need help regarding setting up moderation on your Farcaster Channel using the Farcaster Channel Mods, please join our Airstack's Warpcast Channel.

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Last updated