๐Ÿ’œFarcaster APIs

Airstack provides easy-to-use APIs for building Farcaster Frames & Apps and integrating onchain and off-chain data with Farcaster.

Learn how to use Airstack to fetch for your Farcaster-specific use cases:

Learn how to fetch social capital value of Farcaster casts and social capital score & social capital rank of Farcaster users.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster Casts data using the Airstack API and its various use cases and combinations.

Learn how to use the Airstack API to fetch Farcaster replies either from a certain user or a specific cast hash.

Learn how to use the Airstack API to fetch Farcaster recasts and quoted recasts either from a certain user or a specific cast hash.

Learn how to use the Airstack API to fetch Farcaster likes reaction either from a certain user or a specific cast hash.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster Frames data using the Airstack API and its various use cases and combinations.

Airstack Onchain Kit enables you to enrich Farcaster Frames with onchain data. Get started with Airstack Frames SDK.

Learn how to fetch data from Farcaster channels, including their original host and participants who have interacted (either by casting or replying) within the channels.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster followers data and its various use cases and combinations.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster following data and its various use cases and combinations.

Learn how to recommend mints that are trending among Farcaster users.

Learn all the API calls you can make to the Airstack API to enrich your Farcaster application after authentication with Farcaster Auth Kit.

Learn how to get ERC20, 721, 1155, and POAPs of Farcaster User(s), including images and metadata, on Ethereum, Gold, and Gnosis (POAPs).

Learn how to resolve Farcaster(s) fname/username/FID to 0x address, ENS, Lens, and XMTP and Reverse Resolution.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster user details with 0x address, ENS domain, Farcaster name and ID, and Lens profile name and ID.

Learn how to use Airstack to search for Farcaster users that fulfills the given filters or sort variables the API offered.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster users who are following or being followed by two Farcaster users.

Learn how to fetch Farcaster power badge data and its various use cases to check if a user is a power user on Farcaster.

Learn how to check if Farcaster name or ID has enabled XMTP and resolve Farcaster name or ID for XMTP messaging.

Learn how to get all Farcaster users who own a specific token, NFT, or POAP, or a min amount of that token. Get combinations of NFTs or POAPs + Farcaster, e.g. Has POAP1 and POAP2 and has Farcaster

Learn how to get ERC6551 Accounts owned By Farcaster user(s). Get Farcaster users who own NFTs owned by ERC6551 accounts.

Learn how to enable users to access certain features only if they have a Farcaster account or a combination of Farcaster + other criteria such as a specific POAP or NFT.

Learn how to fetch ERC20, NFTs, or POAPs in common from multiple Farcaster users.

Learn how to get recommended followers for Farcaster users based on on-chain insights from token transfers, POAPs, NFTS, and token holder combinations.

Last updated

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