๐Ÿ‡Not A Bot Cast Action

Learn how to easily moderate the channel manually with Not A Bot cast action. Use the cast action to easily whitelist/ban caster from the channel. You can also get extensive caster information.

The Not A Bot cast action is an easy-to-use cast action that you (channel owner) and your co-moderators can setup within minutes to easily moderate your moderated channel manually.

If you have would like to add co-moderators to your channel, follow this guide here.

To get started, first install the Not A Bot cast action with the link below:

Once the cast action is installed successfully, a green popup will appear on top of Warpcast to indicate that your Farcaster account is ready to use the cast action.

Now that you have the Not A Bot cast action, go to the channel that you own and select any cast in your moderated channel that you would like to manually moderate.

In the cast, you can select the Not A Bot cast action:

Once the cast action is clicked, it will initially show you or co-moderators a Frame that provide extensive information of the caster, including:

  • number of followers of the caster

  • social capital rank of the caster

  • check if the caster is followed by the owner

  • check if the caster is following the owner

  • check if the caster follow the Farcaster channel

Within the displayed Farcaster Frame as shown above, you or your co-moderators will have two options to either:

  • Allow & like: This button will allow you or your co-moderators to whitelist a user. By whitelisting a user, all future casts from the user will be included in the moderated Farcaster channel casts.

  • Ban User: This button will ban the user from the moderation. Consequently, this will exclude all of the user's casts from being displayed in the moderated Farcaster channel feed.

Developer Support

If you have any questions or need help regarding using Not A Bot cast action to moderate your Farcaster channel, please join our Airstack's Warpcast Channel.

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Last updated