{"data": {"FarcasterReactions": {"Reaction": [ {"cast": {"castedAtTimestamp":"2024-05-05T04:28:38Z","embeds": [ {"castId": {"fid":7960,"hash":"0xf5dd28030a12288d0bf7b9230357269c8228a380" } } ],"url":"https://warpcast.com/marissaposner/0xf811805d","text":"Proud of my cofounder @sheldon for helping drive the narrative on how layer 3s are a new way to drive value to ecosystems đĨ°âŦī¸\n\nIâm very bullish on L3s for custom use cases (like gaming) and community-based projects. Do you think most L3s will merge together or will there be a rise of separate chains?","numberOfRecasts":0,"numberOfLikes":17,"channel": {"channelId":"farcon" },"mentions": [ {"fid":"7960","position":22 } ] } },// Other likes from FID 602 ] } }}
Get All Casts Liked By A User In A Certain Channel
You can use the FarcasterReactions API to get all the casts liked by a user in a certain channel by providing the user's identity to reactedBy and the channel ID to channelId input filter:
{"data": {"FarcasterReactions": {"Reaction": [ {"reactedBy": {"profileName":"phil","fid":"129" } },// Other user like the cast ] } }}
Get All Users That Likes Any Casts That Contains A Certain Farcaster Frames
You can use FarcasterReactions API to fetch all users that likes all casts that contains a certain Frames by providing the Frames URL to the frameUrl input filter:
{"data": {"FarcasterReactions": {"Reaction": [ {"reactedBy": {"profileName":"matthewbian","fid":"461708" } },// Other users that likes ] } }}
Check If A User Like A Certain Cast
You can use the FarcasterReactions APi to check if a user like a certain cast by providing the cast hash to castHash and the user's identity to the reactedBy input filter:
{"data": {"FarcasterReactions": {"Reaction": [ {// if not null, then user liked the cast"castHash":"0xfc328b9ba0a18fa271c508f9b91b0b66f23062fe" } ] } }}
Check If A User Liked Any Cast In A Channel
You can use the FarcasterReactions APi to check if a user like any cast in a certain channel by providing the channel ID to channelID and the user's identity to the reactedBy input filter:
{"data": {"FarcasterReactions": {// If not `null`, then the user liked one of the cast in /airstack channel"Reaction": [ {"castHash":"0xfb749f083fce747d0c72881dd71fda1c77176bc4" } ] } }}
Developer Support
If you have any questions or need help regarding fetching Farcaster likes data, please join our Airstack's Telegram group.