The Wallet APIs deliver comprehensive data about a specific wallet address, including the tokens they currently possess, the domain names they own, their token transfer and sale history, and their on-chain social profiles (like ENS, Farcaster).
From the Wallet API itβs possible to create complex queries using nested queries, such as: Get the primary ENS, the Farcaster user name, the Farcaster connected Addresses, all tokens held by the wallet, all NFT Sales by the wallet, all token transfers.
Inputs & Filters
input WalletInput {
blockchain: Blockchain # Blockchain where the token is deployed
identity:# Identity: blockchain address, domain name, social identity
type Wallet {
addresses: Addresses! # returns addresses associated with the identity input
domains: # Nested query - allows querying domains owned by the address
identity: # return identity passed from the input
nftSaleTransactions: # Nested query - allows querying NFT Sales by the address
primaryDomain: # Nested query - allows returning primary domains, if applicable
socials: # returns social profile information related to the address
tokenBalances: # Nested query - allows returning token balances
tokenTransfers: # Nested query - allows returning token transfers and related information